Hidden Gems: Meet Jean Carlos Cruz of Òleo Men’s Salon

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Today we’d like to introduce you to Jean Carlos Cruz.

Hi Jean, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.I was born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, being the youngest in a family of six children. I started cutting when I was 15 years old. I learned on my own, without courses, but by pure trial and error. Since I lived in a low-income community, I had a lot of practice helping him improve his technique. I am a person who is passionate about business and above all a philanthropist who dedicates my time to serving those who need it most. Growing up in an environment with few resources, I learned not only the value of work but the importance of serving others and helping those who need it most.

My discipline has been essential in my career as a barber, which has helped me open many doors and cut the hair of multiple music artists, television artists, and great professional athletes worldwide. I am currently the owner and founder of Òleo Men’s Salon and the non-profit organization Cortando Fronteras.